Release notes

Find the latest versions and highlights of each release starting with Ninox 3.5

New features, improvements, and bug fixes apply to all platforms; exceptions are indicated.

Minor versions are not listed in the release notes, but are always mentioned in their corresponding major release. For example, any bug fixes released in a minor 3.12.X version will be mentioned in the major 3.12 version.

Current versions

Public Cloud

We update (Public Cloud) first. The current version for native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android) may appear delayed in the App Store and Google Play Store.

PlatformLatest versionDownload/access

Web app


Mac app


iPad/iPhone app


Android app


Private Cloud

Private Cloud releases are regularly available after Public Cloud releases.

PlatformLatest versionDownload/access

Private Cloud


Ninox 3.9 or higher: If you're an admin, you can download the latest version in Ninox settings.


PlatformLatest versionDownload/access

On-Premises Linux


Upon request

On-Premises Windows


Upon request

Ninox 3.12 – May 2, 2024 (Public and Private Cloud)

New features

All platforms (starting May 2, 2024)

Icon picker

What's changed:

  • We’ve expanded our icon library from 254 to over 3,000 to better meet business needs.

  • Icons now have customizable colors and sizes, moving away from fixed options.

  • We’ve added a search feature and made the icon picker more compact and easier to scroll through.

Where you'll see it:

  • Icon field

  • Choice field

  • Multiple choice field

  • Kanban view

  • Subtable view on a form

  • Table settings pop-up

  • Conditional formatting pop-up

  • icon and styled functions in the formula editor

Where you can use it:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • Extensive icon library: The icon picker provides over 3,000 icons, offering a variety of visual elements for every business use case, enhancing your design versatility.

  • Customization for brand consistency: You can customize colors and weights to maintain brand consistency across designs, reflecting your unique identity and style.

  • Adaptability for design styles: The icon picker lets you choose between outline and filled icons, providing flexibility to match your project's needs, whether you prefer simplicity or boldness.

  • Efficient search functionality: The icon picker includes a search feature, helping you quickly locate specific icons, improving productivity and workflow efficiency.

  • Optimized interface: The interface offers a compact layout with internal scrolling, reducing clutter and making it easier to explore and select icons for your designs.

Color picker

What's changed:

  • We've increased the number of color presets from 12 to 30, and now you can access all of them from one location.

  • Choose colors using HSL, HEX, CSS names, or plain text, along with the existing RGB option.

  • Select colors directly from your screen with the built-in color picker. The selected color is immediately applied to the element; adding colors to the palette will be available in a future update.

  • The updated user interface simplifies color customization, helps you locate colors quickly, and makes your work process faster.

Where you'll see it:

  • Color field

  • Choice field

  • Multiple choice field

  • Signature field

  • Kanban view

  • Tab settings pop-up

  • Background settings in Options tab on workspace level

  • Background settings in Options tab on database level

  • Name/Rename database pop-up

  • Conditional formatting pop-up

Where you can use it:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • Expanded color palette: The color picker now offers 30 preset colors, giving you more options for your designs. This broadens your range and simplifies your design process.

  • Effortless color selection: The color picker interface lets you choose colors directly from your screen, with real-time previews. This reduces guesswork and improves accuracy.

  • Optimized user experience: The interface has been redesigned for easier navigation and faster results, streamlining your workflow and making the overall design process smoother.

  • Comprehensive customization: The color picker allows you to fine-tune hues with HSL, RGB, hex codes, and CSS colors, ensuring your choices align accurately with project needs and brand guidelines.

createXLSX function

What's new:

  • Multi-sheet capabilities: Organize data across multiple sheets within a single Excel file, perfect for comprehensive reports and data segmentation.

  • Dynamic data integration: Automatically pull data from Ninox databases into Excel, ensuring your spreadsheets reflect the most current data.

  • Granular customization: Style columns, rows, and cells to meet specific formatting needs, including font styles and conditional formatting.

  • Efficient workflow: Eliminate the need for manual data transfers and formatting in external programs, simplifying your workflow.

  • Enhanced reporting: Create professionally styled reports with integrated hyperlinks, rich text, and complex formulas, making data more accessible and actionable.

Where you'll see it:

  • Formula editor

Where you can use it:

Who's it for:

  • You need efficient data management and detailed reporting: The createXLSX function is designed to support businesses and professionals like you in managing data effectively and generating comprehensive reports.

  • You want to build tailored, data-rich, and styled Excel files: This function enables you to create custom Excel files directly from your database, simplifying your workflow and enhancing your reporting.


All platforms (starting May 2, 2024)

Ability to hide pages

What's changed:

  • You can now hide pages just as easily as you hide tables.

Where you'll see it:

  • Enable edit mode, click Edit page, and the Page settings pop-up will appear where you can manage visibility.

Where you can use it:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • Admins managing page visibility: This feature lets you create and hide pages, controlling which pages are visible to different collaborators. This helps keep the database organized and focused.

All platforms (starting May 2, 2024)

Updated error messaging for system interruptions and delays

What's changed:

  • We've made the error messages for API requests clearer.

  • Now, they give better explanations of problems and suggest next steps.

  • This helps reduce confusion and improve your experience when issues arise.

Where you'll see it:

  • When technical issues occur, you'll see: "An API request couldn’t be completed due to a technical issue. Please try again by reloading the page. If the problem persists, contact our support team. We apologize for any inconvenience."

  • For delays previously labeled as "TIMEOUT," the message will be: "Our servers are taking longer than usual to respond. This might be due to temporary server or network issues. Please try refreshing the page or try again later. Thank you for your patience.

The updated error messages will appear in:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • You need clear information during system interruptions and delays: This update provides clear messaging and instructions to help you navigate system delays or interruptions, ensuring you stay informed and can take necessary actions.

  • This is for everyone using our system: The improved error messaging helps all users stay on track and manage any system disruptions effectively.

Private Cloud (starting May 2, 2024)

Removal of the old Ninox UMS page

What's changed:

  • We’ve integrated UMS into the main settings with version 3.9.

  • Now, with the update to 3.12, we’re removing the old Ninox UMS page.

  • You can find all the settings that were on the old Ninox UMS page now directly in the Ninox settings of your Private Cloud at {my-private-cloud}

Where you'll see it:

  • The old UMS page is gone. Instead, use the Ninox settings in your Private Cloud to handle all user management tasks.

Where you can use it:

  • Ninox settings in your Private Cloud at {private-cloud}

Who it's for:

  • Admins managing user settings and security in Private Clouds: This update consolidates all necessary functions into one place, making it easier for you to manage user settings and security, streamlining your workflow.

Ninox 3.11 – Jan 30, 2024 (Public and Private Cloud)

New features

All platforms (starting Jan 30, 2024)

Creatable if and deletable if

Admins can set specific rules to decide when records in a database are created or deleted.

What's changed:

  • Admins can make sure records are only created or deleted under certain conditions,

    • Rules that prevent important records, for example sent invoices, from being deleted accidentally.

Where you'll see it:

  • Enable edit mode and open table settings.

    • Any database > any table (in form view) > ⚙️ > Edit fields.

Where you can use it

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • Admins who manage databases and need to control how and when records can be added or deleted.

See also

Multi-file uploads (attachments)

Upload multiple attachments to records. This is especially useful for professionals who visit external locations, take pictures, and upload them to Ninox.

What's changed:

  • Previously, you were limited to single-file uploads.

  • Now you can upload multiple files or images to a record.

Where you'll see it:

  • Open a record (in form view) and upload files in the Attachments tab.

Where you can use it:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • For all workers who typically need to take and upload numerous photos to document the conditions of each location they assess.

    • For example site inspectors in construction or real estate.

Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Jan 30, 2024)

Reconnect modularized databases

Automatically reconnect modularized databases that were imported from different workspaces in only a few steps.

What's changed:

  • Previously, you had to go through a long process to reconnect modularized databases which were imported from different workspaces.

    • Process had to be repeated multiple times for each database.

  • Now, you can re-establish relationships of modularized databases in a few short steps.

Where you'll see it:

  • Database transfer: when you move databases between workspaces,

  • Backup restoration: when you restore backup of a database that's part of a complex interconnected system.

    • When the backup becomes an additional database in your workspace, all the relationships between records are seamlessly transferred,

  • Database uploads: when you upload databases that were previously connected, but now have different IDs in your new workspace.

    • IDs in relationships are updated without the need to go through each relationship manually.

  • Scripting access: when you use Ninox script to access databases that aren't referenced in fields.

Where you can use it:

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • Everyone who frequently works with multiple workspaces, upload database backups, or uses Ninox script to access databases.

See also


Web app (Public Cloud), Private Cloud, On-Premises (starting Jan 30, 2024)

Colors and navigation in Ninox settings

Uncluttered design of the Ninox settings for a modern feel. Improved navigation for a more straightforward layout.

What's changed:

  • Updated colors in Ninox settings for better visibility to assist visually impaired users.

  • Improved navigation with better top, side, and tab bars.

  • Standardized buttons for easier recognition and use.

  • Significant layout changes for quick understanding.

  • Increased text size for readability on all screen sizes.

  • Optimized use of space for a clean and professional look

  • Clearer content for ease of reading.

Where you'll see it:

  • Visible all over the Ninox settings, from the way information is presented to how you interact with the site.

Where you can use it:

Who it's for:

  • Everyone, especially admins and owners, who will benefit from a more intuitive layout, easier navigation, and better overall accessibility.

All platforms (starting Jan 30, 2024)

New color palette for chart widgets

Updated chart colors to softer, pastel shades that better match Ninox's unique color style.

What's changed:

  • Updated chart widget colors to fit Ninox's brand style.

  • Charts look more professional and consistent with our brand.

Where you'll see it:

  • In all the chart widgets.

  • The new color set called "Cotton Candy Bliss" includes soft shades of blue, orange, green, light green, light blue, pink, violet, and red.

Where you can use it:

  • (Public Cloud)

  • Native apps (iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android)

  • Private Cloud

  • On-Premises

Who it's for:

  • This update is for everyone using our app.

Fixed bugs

Defragment database button

This update prevents the app from freezing and stops error messages from appearing when you defragment (clean) your database.

You'll notice these improvements when you are in edit mode and go to Options to Defragment database in any database.

This update is especially useful for anyone who wants to organize their databases more efficiently without encountering problems.

SAML configuration

We've resolved a significant issue in the SAML configuration process that was blocking access to the cloud. We've also improved the warnings regarding missing certificates.

Now, if you haven't uploaded a certificate, the system will prompt you to do so, before you can add or update your SAML settings. No need to re-upload the certificate if it's already in place.

You can find these changes in the Ninox settings under Configuration -> Authentication -> SAML. This fix is beneficial for those who manage Single Sign-On (SSO) systems.

Now, you can use the search icon 🔎 to select existing records from a related table which is rendered as a field. Previously, records could't be added using the search icon in field view.

Landscape mode in iPhone app

When used in landscape mode on iPhones, the top and bottom bars appeared empty and lacked color. We've fixed the background color issue for the iPhone app.

Landscape mode isn't supported on Android yet.

Ninox 3.10 – Oct 4, 2023 (Public and Private Cloud)

New features


All platforms (starting Oct 4, 2023)

  • Begin with a blank canvas to freely design UIs.

  • Easily add UI fields, layout components, sub-tables, and relationship fields.

  • Use the multi-tabbed interface for structured navigation.

  • Navigate directly to specific tabs with the openPage() function.

  • Admins can hide UI elements for a cleaner look for non-admin collaborators.

  • Enjoy enhanced modularity and bid goodbye to outdated methods like dummy tables.

  • Experience Ninox's shift from a no-code database to a low-code application builder.

Modularitydo as database ... end

Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Oct 4, 2023)

  • No need for complex API workarounds.

  • Smooth integration with pre-existing database relationships.

  • Uniform experience across web and native apps.

  • Pull data directly from the current database without accessing a separate one.

  • Requirements for do as database ... end.

    • Databases must have a pre-existing relationship.

    • Exact database name is required for accurate data retrieval.

    • Enclose database names with special characters in single quotes.


Private Cloud (starting Oct 4, 2023)

  • A centralized receive-only inbox: store each email as a separate record in Ninox.

  • Store and download email attachments up to 30 MB.

  • Unique email ID combining user-defined username with workspace ID ( domain).

  • Streamlined email management within Ninox for improved organization.

  • Capability to initiate automated workflows based on email content.

  • Auto-fill database fields using email information, reducing manual data input.

  • Compliant with privacy regulations and maintains record of all interactions.

Ninox 3.9 – Jul 24, 2023 (Public Cloud) – Starting Aug 15, 2023 (Private Cloud)

New features

Ninox settings

Public Cloud

We are simplifying Ninox settings by centralizing them into one hub, replacing scattered settings across the web app. This makes configuring and customizing your account easier and more efficient.

Process monitor

Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Aug 15, 2023)

Process monitor allows you to track operations, gain insights, and optimize processes for enhanced productivity in your workspace.



We are making the design of History even simpler to provide a faster and more convenient summary of database changes.

Ninox settings—new look

Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Aug 15, 2023)

The Ninox settings mentioned above, already available for Private Cloud, are also getting a visual upgrade to match the rest of the Ninox apps.

Ninox 3.8 – Feb 7, 2023 (Public Cloud) – Starting Mar, 2023 (Private Cloud)

New features

Edit records inline—supported in views

  • Field editor supports the following functionality:

    • Enable inline editing in a view by double-clicking a field.

    • Access to choice, date/time pickers, color, icon pickers, and other modal dialogs.



  • We've redesigned History for databases. Besides a brand-new look, History now enables you to:

    • Filter by collaborator.

    • Filter by date.

    • Delete history for a specific time period.

Global variables exposure in Window Object

Web app

  • Global variables are no longer exposed in the Window Object, i.e., database, UI, root.

  • Limited backward compatibility is provided for the following calls:

    • database.create

    • database.update

    • database.remove

    • ui.openRecord

    • ui.popupRecord

    • ui.openFullscreen

    • ui.closeFullscreen

    • ui.closeRecord

    • ui.closeAllRecords

    • ui.openTable

    • ui.openCalendar

    • ui.openSearch

    • ui.openHome

This change does not affect your databases.

We do not recommend using the calls mentioned above as they will be phased out after the 3.8.0 release.

We're also working on more standardized ways to support these use cases in the future.

Ninox 3.7 – Aug 30, 2022 (Public Cloud) – Starting Sep 20, 2022 (Private Cloud)

Print customization is available for Private Cloud starting 3.7.7.

New features

Edit records inline

Web app

  • Edit records directly from a subtable—without having to open it:

    • Open a record.

    • Double-click a field to enter or change existing data.

    • Press the Enter key to save changes.

    • Press the Esc key or click anywhere outside the field to stop editing.

  • Inline editing works for every data type with the exception of formula, dynamic choice, and dynamic multiple choice.

  • Press the Tab key to edit the next field.

  • Press the Shift-Tab (Mac) or Shift + Tab (Windows) keys to edit the previous field.

At the time 3.7 was released for Public Cloud (August 30), inline editing only works in the web app. We'll add this functionality to native apps (Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android) at the earliest convenience.

Preview and annotate PDFs

  • View, annotate, add shapes, insert attachments, fill and sign, etc. .pdf files in Ninox with the help of an in-built tool:

    • Preview .pdf files directly in Ninox.

    • Open a record that contains a .pdf, right-click/long-press the file and select Edit PDF from the dropdown.

    • The .pdf opens in the editor.

    • Edit (annotate, sign, draw, etc.) in the editor.

    • Close the editor by clicking/pressing the ✖️ icon to return to your table.

The annotations never modify the original .pdf but are saved separately while keeping the original file intact, which is why the thumbnail always reflects the image of your original .pdf. The changes are saved in a separate .xdf file in the attachment.

Create dynamic print layouts

Private Cloud (starting Sep 20, 2022)

  • Merge data from a document made in, for example, MS Office with Ninox data to create and print custom layouts. Refer to the Print customization help page for more info.

SQL Server Connector configuration

Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Sep 20, 2022)

  • Connect your Private Cloud or On-Premises to an external relational database management server with SQL connectors. Refer to the SQL Server Connector configuration help page for more info.


  • Swiping possible on date picker.

  • New design for time picker.

  • Improved backend security-

  • Maintenance of Private Cloud storage performance.

🗓️ Private Cloud and On-Premises (starting Sep 20, 2022)

Fixed bugs

  • Changes made to the name in the Your account popup are not saved.

  • Appointment field allows startTime greater than endTime and appointment disappears from calendar.

  • yearWeek() returns an incorrect result.

  • Dynamic choice field does not resize according to increasing or decreasing number of options.

Ninox 3.6 – May 12, 2022 (Public Cloud) – Jul 4, 2022 (Private Cloud)

New features

Formula editor—9 new features

We've revamped the formula editor for a more efficient workflow and a better ease of use. Check out the new look and feel as well as new functionality on the Formula editor features or 🇩🇪 Formel-Features im Editor help page.

Correct dates independent of your timezone

No more manual adjustments or workarounds for automatically displaying dates correctly—no matter the timezone you or your collaborators work in.

Enable timezone-independent date for your databases following the steps on the Enable timezone-independent date or 🇩🇪 Zeitzonenunabhängiges Datum aktivieren help page.

Usage overview

You can now check the usage around storage, API calls, and emails against your subscription. The app visually indicates how much capacity has been used and how much is still available.

To access the usage overview, visit the global settings by clicking the gear icon (1) in the top-right corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu, select Usage overview (2), then check Storage used (3), API calls used per month (4), or Emails sent per month (5).

Know your version!

Private Cloud and On-Premises

  • Check which software version your Ninox Private Cloud or On-Premises is running.


One login—4 ways to do it

Private Cloud and On-Premises

  • Both, Private Cloud and On-Premises can make use of 4 authentication strategies for single sign-on.

Fixed bugs

Pick year and month via vertical scroll

  • To easily navigate across years and months.

  • To scroll vertically.

Apps open databases on low-memory devices

iPhone, iPad

  • Opening a database for the first time on a device with low memory causes the iPhone and iPad app to crash.

Displaying relevant releases only

Private Cloud and On-Premises

  • Un user management, view previous releases that are relevant for your setup:

    • Previously, release versions and dates that only applied to Public Cloud were also shown for Private Cloud and On-Premises.

Records APIs respect admin user role permissions

Private Cloud

  • APIs now make use of the user role permissions to show data.

  • If a table is protected by admin-only access, a user trying to call a records endpoint needs to be an admin for that table, so that the APIs return data.

  • Otherwise, no data is shown when that user calls a records endpoint in order to protect the table's contents.

Workspace owners: Make sure to assign the admin role to collaborators working with APIs if your table data is protected by admin permissions.

GET retrieves files with special characters in file name

  • GET endpoint can now retrieve a single file when the file name contains any special characters:

    • Previously, GET was returning an Internal Server Error contained special characters like ę.

http function with POST properly sends XML

  • http function with POST sends XML as text/xml:

    • Previously, the function was stringifying XML, i.e., sending it as text/plain instead.

sendEmail() properly sends attachments

  • sendEmail() function successfully sends attachments in triggers and do as server statements:

    • Previously, when used in triggers, the function would not send attachments at all.

    • When used in a do as server statement the function caused the app to crash and return a Server not responding error message.

Fields fixed

  • Appointment field:

    • The field now keeps the previously entered time interval:

      • Previously, when a time interval is entered in an Appointment field that is not 1 hour and that field's date was later updated, the field changed the time interval to 1 hour.

  • Radio reference field:

    • When using the Radio field, the UI now updates accordingly.

  • Image field:

    • Videos can be successfully uploaded to the Image field.

Ninox 3.5 – Oct 7, 2021 (Public Cloud) – Jan 3, 2022 (Private Cloud)

New features

Private Cloud and On-Premises

  • SSO is an Enterprise feature available on request that requires a valid license purchased from Ninox or a certified partner.

  • If you ordered custom-built features like SSO, you are eligible to receive an updated license. Whether you're using Ninox via Private Cloud or On-Premises, reach out to our Product team at when you're ready to update.

    • Private Cloud: you request the update, we deploy it

    • On-Premises: you request the update, we send you a link, and you deploy it yourself

  • Configuration of password policy:

    • Password strength, such as length, lower/upper case, special characters.

    • Password validity/expiry.

    • Password password re-use limit.

  • Configuration of default BCC for outbound emails:

    • A default BCC for all outbound emails sent via the sendEmail function.

    • Do no longer require an explicit BCC to reach the sender.

  • Enabling and disabling snapshots/automatic backups:

    • Use the Snapshot checkbox.


  • Endpoint /records with method DELETE to delete multiple records in a single API call for Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

  • Endpoint /exec with method POST to run expressions that can modify the database for Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

  • Endpoint /files with method POST to upload and attach files to the Image field for Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

  • Zapier integration is available for Private Cloud and On-Premises:

    • Easier migration from Public Cloud using Zapier.

    • Set up the connection by providing your Personal Access Token and your Private Cloud or On-Premises URLs.

    • Zaps set up in the past do not require an update.

Redesigned features for the mobile app on iOS and Android

  • We've redesigned the Ninox mobile app to automatically appear in its optimized form on all devices.

When starting the Ninox 3.5.0 app on your mobile device for the first time, you will be asked whether you want to use the classic or new look. Tap the New button to try out the new design.

  • The Ninox mobile app automatically reformats the view for all screen sizes so you can easily interact with Ninox no matter whether you're using an iPhone, iPad, or an Android phone or tablet.‌

  • New design for the following features for iOS and Android:

    • Seamlessly log in and out of the mobile app.

    • View your team workspace from the main screen.

    • Interact with the formula editor, e.g., add new functions.

    • Create different types of views.

    • Switch between your views.

    • Share views and files.

    • Import files.

    • Mark a table Hidden to hide sensitive data from view.

    • Specify Readable if, and Writable if for fields

    • Set up Binding and Tooltip for fields.

    • Add a Field, Formula, Layout element, Link to, Link from, and Sub-table from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

    • Add View and Chart via Layout element​.

Transactional scripts

  • A new construct do as transaction added to Ninox script.

  • Behaves in the same way as do as server.

  • Allows a set of code to run within the context of a transaction.

  • On mobile apps, do as transaction executes on the client and thus allows for offline-capable transactions.

  • Run the script within transactions to achieve faster execution and higher consistency.

    • Either apply changes upon successful completion or discard changes if any of the code in the wrapped script fails.

Smart caching

  • Improves the consequent loading time of table views and execution of select queries.

Option to restart teams

  • Restart teams if they are slow due to a long-running script on the server.

Fixed bugs

  • File upload endpoints accept tableName in URL:

    • File upload endpoints and all other endpoints now accept tableName in addition to tableId in the URL.

  • Trigger after update for memory-bound fields:

    • Trigger after update now works for memory-bound fields, i.e., both Global variable in memory as well as Per record in memory.

  • urlOf() function in Trigger after update:

    • The urlOf() function used in Trigger after update now returns a valid link with a correct database ID

  • databaseId() function in Triggers:

    • The databaseId() function used in Triggers now returns the correct database ID instead of random integers.

  • Selection in Date field and calendar pop-up functionality:

    • The date in the Date field can now be selected and the calendar pop-up remains visible.

  • Dynamic choice fields show 0 (zero) value:

    • Dynamic choice fields (Single and Multiple) now support absolute 0 (zero) values.

    • Instead of record IDs, 0 can be selected in Dynamic choice fields.

  • shareFile() function in Triggers:

    • When using the shareFile() function in Triggers, some fields were either loading or not returning any values.

    • This error has been addressed and the shareFile() function now returns correct values when used in Triggers.

Last updated