
To return the number of working days between 2 given dates

With this function, you can calculate the number of working days between 2 given time-related values, with Monday to Friday as working days.

If you use an appointment type, you need to specify the start start() and the end endof().

Holidays are not considered!


workdays(date, date)




workdays(start, end)To return the number of working days between 2 given dates, where Monday to Friday are working days and holidays are not considered.

workdays(today() - 13, today() + 6)

Result: 14

workdays(start('Appointment'), endof('Appointment')) 

Result: 11

(with Appointment =

  • 06/01/2021 09:00 – 06/16/2021 09:00 (US)

  • 01/06/2021 09:00 – 15/06/2021 09:00 (UK))

See also

day, which returns the day of the month from a given date value as a number.

Last updated