
To open a given record in a pop-up form

This function opens the form of the given record as a pop-up. If you want, you can also specify the tab that should be opened.

To open the form of a record and the respective table simultaneously, use openRecord().

The function can be executed only on the client. Learn more about execution context



popupRecord(nid, string)




popupRecord(myRecord) To open a given record in a pop-up form.

popupRecord(first(select Customers))

Result: The first record of the Customers table opens in a pop-up form.

popupRecord(myRecord, tabName) To open a given record with a given tab in a pop-up form.

popupRecord(first(select Customers), "Company information")

Result: Opens the form as a popup of the first record of the Customers table with the Company information tab selected.

See also

openRecord, which jumps to the related table and opens a given record.

Last updated