iPhone app will be switched off

The previous iPhone app will soon no longer be supported. Here we show you how to move your local data

In the future, there will be only 1 app for all mobile Apple devices, i.e., we will no longer distinguish between an iPhone and an iPad app. Nothing will change for the Mac app!

Please switch from the Ninox Database for iPhone (Legacy) app to the Ninox app on your iPhone! As of July 1, 2023, we will no longer update the legacy iPhone app.

What does it mean?

If you have databases stored locally on your iPhone, you should "move" them so that they are still available to you.

If you work only through the Ninox cloud, you don't have to do anything.

First, the legacy app will no longer be supported (as of July 1, 2023), meaning there will be no more updates. A few months later, we will remove the legacy app from the App Store.

What do I need to do?

Here's an overview of how to transfer your local data so you can use it in the new app.


  1. Save your local data to iCloud or Files on your iPhone.

  2. Install the new app

  3. Now import your backup

  4. Tip: Delete the Ninox legacy app right away

Save local data (step 1)

How it works

  1. Go to My databases

  2. Tap on the tile of the database you want to save until you see the pop-up

  3. Select Save archive as

  4. Decide where you want to cache the database:

    • on your device (= Open in...)

    • in the iCloud (= Store on iCloud Drive)

To view

Repeat the steps until you have backed up all your local databases.

Install new app (step 2)

If you haven't already, download the new Ninox app from the App Store now.

To App Store >

Import local data (step 3)

Open the new Ninox app and log in. If you want to continue working with local data, upload your databases back to the app now.

How it works

  1. Go to My databases

  2. Tap Import archive

  3. Select the database you want to import. Depending on where you saved it:

    • from your iCloud

    • from your device

To view

Done! Everything is back the way it should be. And you are now well-prepared for the future! 🚀

Finally, we recommend deleting the legacy app (step 4).

Last updated