
To return an array of consecutive numbers

With this function, you can define a numeric value range with a from-to specification. Where from might be set automatically to 0 if there is only one parameter.

The from value is included and the to value is excluded.



range(number, number)

range(number, number, number)




range(to) To return an array of consecutive numbers starting with 0 up or down to to, where to is excluded.


Result: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

range(from, to) To return an array of consecutive numbers from a range between from and to, where from is included and to is excluded. If from is higher than to the numbers will appear in reverse order.


Result: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

range(from, to, step) To return an array of consecutive numbers from a range between from and to by a given step, where from is included and to is excluded. If from is higher than to the numbers will appear in reverse order.

range(2, 9, 2)

Result: [2, 4, 6, 8]

See also

concat, which returns all items of an array in one string.

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