Files and printing

An overview of functions to help you to manage files and printing

To create a temporary file on the Ninox server

To add content to a temporary file on the Ninox server

To create a text file with a given name and content

To dynamically create customizable, styled, multi-sheet Excel files directly from databases

To create a zip archive including all files of a given file array

To return a specific file based on the file name from a given record

To return the metadata, like file name, size, and modification date of a file based on a given record and file name

To return all attachments of a record as an array

To import a file from a URL and save it as an attachment of a record

To convert a file to base64 format

To convert a file to URL-compliant base64 format

To open a record in a given layout in the print layout editor

To save a given record in a given layout as a PDF in the internal file system and return a link to the file

To print to a PDF from a given record in a given layout and open the file with a program set as default

To print the visible columns of a given view according to your database settings (PDF or HTML)

To return an URL of a specific file

To unshare a given file

To unshare a given view of a given table

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