Adding a table
We will create a new table in a database
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We will create a new table in a database
Last updated
Now we will continue working with the Event Management database that we’ve just created.
We will now create an Events tabIe in this Event Management database. There we will store information for each new event, such as the agenda, venue, participants, etc.
A table consists of rows and columns. Information of the same type is stored in a column. For example, the number of participants for an event is always stored in the Participants column.
Each table in a database is assigned a name, ideally so that you know straight away as to which information is held in this database.
Here are the most important terms again.
Open your new Event Management database.
Then click on New table in the next screen.
The table settings open.
Enter a name for your table under Table name. Since this table will hold data about events, we will name it Events (this is a bit shorter).
You don’t need to save it yet, as we are about to continue working in the table settings.
Like to delve deeper into the topic? Then take a look at the corresponding section in our video tutorial.
If you do not automatically see the + New table option as in the example, please enable the wrench icon in the upper right corner to enter the edit mode .