Functions overview

See all Ninox functions at a glance. Each feature is linked to a separate page.

To return the absolute value of a number

To calculate the arccosine

To return the number of full years between now and a given date (e.g. a person’s age)

To open a pop-up with an alert message

To create a temporary file on the Ninox server

To convert given time-related values to an appointment

To create a new array by merging 2 arrays of a similar type

To calculate the arcsine

To calculate the arctangent

To calculate the arctangent of the quotient of x/y

To return the average of a number array

To open the barcode scanner and return the scanned value as a string

To run a given script only once and cache and return the output value

To capitalize the first letter of each word

To round up a given number to the nearest integer

To evaluate multiple-choice fields

To return the currently used language of the browser or app in abbreviated form

To close all record forms

To close full-screen mode

To close the top record form

To return or convert to a color value

To return all items of an array in one string

To check if a string or an array contains an exact match

To calculate the cosine

count (aka cnt)

To return the number of concrete items in an array

To create an event in the Apple Calendar App

To create a reminder in the Apple Reminder App

To add content to a temporary file on the Ninox server

To create a text file with a given name and content

To dynamically create customizable, styled, multi-sheet Excel files directly from databases

To create a zip archive including all files of a given file array

To return the ID of the current database

To convert to or return a date value

To convert to or return a timestamp

To return the day of the month from a given date value as a number

To return the number of days between 2 dates

To convert an angle from radians to degrees

To pop up a dialog with answer options

To create a duplicate of a given record

To return the duration of an appointment

To convert a given value to an email value

To return the end of an appointment.

To return Yes (true) if the number is even

To calculate the natural exponential function

To extract a substring from a given string using a regular expression

To return a specific file based on the file name from a given record

To return the metadata, like file name, size and modification date of a file based on a given record and file name

To return all attachments of a record as an array

To return the first item of an array

To round down a given number to the nearest integer

To format a given value

To create a JSON string of a valid JSON object

To convert a given JSON object into XML text, which might be optically structured

To return a rich text representation of any value

To send an HTTP request

To return an icon

To import a file from a URL and save it as an attachment of a record

To return the start position of the first match in a string or an array

To clear the cache of the database and the values stored by cached()

To return Yes (true) if the edit mode is on

To return Yes (true) if the database is locked

To return Yes (true) if a password is needed to activate the edit mode

To extract a value of an array or an object

To return a string consisting of all items of the given string array separated by a given separator

To return the last item of an array

To return the latitude value of a given location value

To return the count of all characters in a string or all items in an array.

To calculate the natural logarithm

To convert a file to base64 format

To convert a file to URL-compliant base64 format

To return a location value with a given title, latitude, and longitude

To calculate the logarithm

To return the longitude of a given location value

To return a string in lower case

To fill up a given length with given padding at the beginning

To return the highest or latest value of an array

To return the lowest or earliest value of an array

To return the month from a given date value as a number

To return a given month as a number out of a string

To return the full month name of a given date value

To identify the type of environment that is currently being used

To return the current timestamp

To convert a given value to a number

To return the IDs of the selected choice values of a given multiple choice field

To return Yes (true) if the number is odd

To open a given record in full-screen mode

To open a record in a given layout in the print layout editor

To jump to the related table and open a given record

To open a given table

To convert a string to a link and open it in the standard web browser

To convert a JSON string to a JSON object

To convert an XML string to a JSON object

To convert a value to a phone value

To open a given record in a pop-up form

To calculate the power of a number

To save a given record in a given layout as a PDF in the internal file system and return a link to the file

To print to a PDF from a given record in a given layout and open the file with a program set as default

To print the visible columns of a given view according to your database settings (PDF or HTML)

To return the quarter of a given date value as a number

To send a SQL command to a connected SQL database and return the record data.

To convert an angle from degrees to radians

To return a random number

To return an array of consecutive numbers

To return the internal raw text representation of a given value

To return a record of a table by a given ID

To remove a key-value pair from a given JSON object

To replace a pattern in a string with a given replace

To replace the matches of a given regular expression with a given string in a given text.

To round a given number

To fill up a given length with a given padding at the end

To sort an array in descending order

To send a SQL command to a connected SQL database

To send an email out of Ninox

To update or add a key-value pair in a given JSON object

To return an URL of a specific file

To return a URL of a given view

To return the signum of a number

To calculate the sine

To force Ninox to wait for a given number of milliseconds before continue running the code

To extract a subrange from a string or array

To sort values in ascending order

To split a string into an array at each separator

To split a string into an array by using a regular expression

To calculate the square

To calculate the square root

To return the start timestamp of an appointment

To convert a given value to a string

To convert a given string to a styled object

To return a substring out of a given text

To return a substring out of a given text with a given start and a given end

To return the total sum of a number array

To return the ID of a table

To calculate the tangent

To return the ID of the current workspace

To check if a text has matches with a given regular expression

To convert a value to a string and possibly reflect the format options

To return the current time

To convert a given time-related value to a time interval, i.e. a duration

To convert a given time-related value to a timestamp

To return the current date (without time).

To remove preceding and following spaces

To return an array with unique elements

To unshare all views of a given table

To unshare a given file

To unshare a given view of a given table

To return a string in the upper case

To convert a value to a link

To decode a given string from a URL-compliant format into text

To convert a given string into a URL-compliant string based on the ASCII character set

To return a link for a given record or view

To return the current or a specific user

To return the email address of a user

To return the first name of a user

To return the full name of a user

To return Yes (true) if a user has a given role

To return the ID of a user

To return Yes (true) if the current user has the admin role

To return the last name of a user

To return the username of a user

To return the role of the current or a given user

To return all roles of a user

To return the IDs of all collaborators in an array

To return Yes (true) if the database is synced with the Ninox cloud

To return the calendar week of a given date value

To return the weekday of a given date value as a number

To return a given weekday name as a number

To return the full weekday name of a given date value

To return the number of working days between 2 given dates

To return the year of a given date value

To return the month and the year of a given date value

To return the quarter and the year of a given date value

To return the week and the year of a given date value

Last updated