
An overview of mathematical functions to perform tasks on numbers

To return the absolute value of a number

To calculate the arccosine

To calculate the arcsine

To calculate the arctangent

To calculate the arctangent of the quotient of x/y

To return the average of a number array

To round up a given number to the nearest integer

To calculate the cosine

To convert an angle from radians to degrees

To return Yes (true) if the number is even

To calculate the natural exponential function

To round down a given number to the nearest integer

To format a given value

To calculate the natural logarithm

To calculate the logarithm

To return the highest or latest value of an array

To return the lowest or earliest value of an array

To return Yes (true) if the number is odd

To calculate the power of a number

To convert an angle from degrees to radians

To return a random number

To round a given number

To return the signum of a number

To calculate the sine

To calculate the square

To calculate the square root

To return the total sum of a number array

To calculate the tangent

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