
Get to know the Ninox assistant

We use tours to interactively show you how Ninox works. The software we use for that acts as an additional "layer" on top of the app and guides you in real-time through the processes in Ninox.

The Ninox assistant runs on Userlane—a no-code Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) designed specifically for onboarding, employee training, and customer support.

We like the tours because...

...our assistant playfully shows you how to use Ninox and addresses initial uncertainties in the direct application—complementing the written documentation (the one you are reading right now) as well as our video tutorials.

Our goal is to guide you through Ninox step-by-step in real-time, providing you with an enjoyable user experience right from the start.

We are here to help you understand Ninox' functionality and start building your databases as quickly as possible—ultimately, we want you to succeed with Ninox.

Target audience

The Ninox assistant is primarily targeted at folks who are new to Ninox. Of course, this doesn't have to stop you from exploring tours—no matter where you are in your Ninox journey.

How the tours work

At the moment, the tours only work in the web app (—ideally on a PC. They are less suited for small screens (<640 pixels) such as those of smartphones and tablets.

Enable and disable the Ninox assistant

  1. When logged in to the web app, navigate to the gear icon in the top-right corner to access the global settings.

  2. From the dropdown select Tours. The assistant is enabled.

  3. To close/disable the tours again, click the ✖️ icon in the pop-up on the left of your screen. The assistant is disabled.

We've also built a tour for that—try Enable tours (5 sec) directly in Ninox. 🎉

Role-based restrictions

Some of the tours require admin rights and enabling the edit mode in order to display all steps of a tour.

In such cases, there are 2 variations:

  • one for users with read rights and

  • one for users with admin rights.

Depending on the tour, you may see a step but be unable to perform the desired action. In this case, we show an alternative step: contacting the admin of your Ninox workspace to request admin rights.

Topics and availability

Ninox tours are sorted into chapters. Currently, there's 6 chapters with a total of 19 tours.

The tours build on each other, i.e. some are only visible after completing a specific tour. So it is perfectly normal that you do not see the complete list all at once.

Enable tours in 5 seconds

  • Enable tours (5 sec)

Ninox basics in 70 seconds

  • Welcome (10 sec)

  • Create a new workspace (5 sec)

  • Create a database (10 sec)

  • Add a table (15 sec)

  • Input data (10 sec)

  • Customize a form (10 sec)

  • Global settings (10 sec)

Manage profile & invite collaborators in 30 seconds

  • Manage your profile (15 sec)

  • Invite collaborators (15 sec)

Import & export data in 60 seconds

  • Import data to a new table (25 sec)

  • Import data to an existing table (25 sec)

    • for admin users

    • for read-only users

  • Export data (10 sec)

    • for admin users

    • for read-only users

Manage databases in 30 seconds

  • Manage backups (20 sec)

  • Rename a database (5 sec)

  • Delete a database (5 sec)

Create/share views & print in 45 seconds

  • Create views (10 sec)

  • Share views (15 sec)

  • Print tables (5 sec)

  • Print records (15 sec)

Feedback for tours

At the end of each tour you complete, a popup appears containing a survey link. In this survey, feel free to tell us what you (don't) like and what else you think the tours are missing.

Give feedback for Ninox tours >

Last updated