Introduction to Ninox API

Understand Ninox API and set up your environment

  • Ninox moved from to The current interface is We recommend building new integrations on top of the new interface.

  • The old interface continues to work, so you don't need to migrate old integrations built with Zapier, Integromat, or other custom solutions.

Requirements for using the Ninox API

To use the Ninox API, you need the following:

  • Ninox license

  • Ninox Personal Access Token

  • Ninox REST API

  • Depending on the details of your server environment:

    • Public Cloud, Private Cloud, or Private Cloud On-Premises

    • Zapier, Integromat, or a similar solution

Use Postman to send API requests. Alternatively, call endpoints in your shell/terminal using the cURL command. A third option is the http function in the Ninox formula editor.

API reference

The Ninox API is an organized RESTful API. It consists of predictable URLs, form-encoded requests, JSON-encoded responses, and common HTTP response codes. The API also uses standard authentication and verbs.


The Ninox API uses Bearer Tokens to authenticate requests. View and manage your Personal Access Tokens in your admin settings in the Ninox web app.

To authenticate your API requests, include the accessToken in the HTTP Authorization header. Content in curly brackets { } signifies a placeholder. Both the curly brackets and the content within must be replaced for the authentication to work.

-H "Authorization": "Bearer {accessToken}"

Ninox recommends that API requests be made over HTTPS. In the Public and Private Cloud, HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS. If you try to make API requests over plain HTTP and don't follow the redirect, they will fail. Even if you have a username and password, API requests without authentication will also fail.

Content type

Ninox expects services to provide their responses in JSON. To provide a response as a valid JSON object, the services need to provide application/json in the HTTP Content-Type representation header.

-H "Content-Type": "application/json"

Obtaining a Personal Access Token

The Personal Access Token, or API key, is included with every HTTP request made to the Ninox API.

If you are the owner of a workspace, follow the steps below to obtain the API key:

  1. Visit

  2. Click the Start Ninox button to open the web app.

    • If you don't see the Start Ninox button, log in with your Ninox credentials first.

  3. In the top-right corner, click the Actions gear icon.

  4. In the drop-down menu, select Integrations.

  5. In the pop-up window, click the Generate button.

  6. Copy the API key to your clipboard.

To delete or revoke a Personal Access Token, click the Delete Token cross mark icon that appears to the right of the generated API key.

Your Ninox API keys grant read and write access to all of your databases, so keep your tokens secure. Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, etc.


Ninox uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate whether an API request was successful or unsuccessful. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate a client error, and codes in the 5xx indicate a server error.

HTTP response status codes

Successful responses

Client error responses

Server error responses

Last updated